January 05 - January 11


Tim Suttle said...

Got in early today and did the BCP hours. I'm hopeful to pray and meditate on the word 4 times today.

Beth said...

Met with God this morning while doing my Bible study. We are studying Genesis and we're at the part where Abraham sends his servant to find Isaac a wife. The lesson hones in on the servant's actions and then the application is that we must seek God, listen for His leading, obey Him, and then worship Him as He leads in our service to Him. I was convicted that I need to do some of the "seeking and listening" part for my own life as the new year begins. I'm praying for some quiet solitude in the very near future to do just that. I feel like God wants to clarify some areas in different roles and responsibilities. I look forward to spending some time with Jesus to hear from Him and also just enjoy Him.

Scott Savage said...

Umm, hi :) So, I figure I might as well start to chime in, right? Okay, so the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer has us reading Matthew 12:14-21 today. Two things struck me: (1) it says that many followed Jesus and He heeled them "all". (2) It says He warned the people not to talk about it.

I wish that Jesus was still around healing everyone, especially today because I feel like crap. But I am reminded through the text that Jesus' coming is only a foretaste of the end. He healed everyone in proximity to Himself (according to Matthew) in order to demonstrate that in Him the whole world will be healed. Of course, we understand this now on our side of the resurrection. It's also funny to read Jesus telling people to keep up about the miracles right now because it's Epiphany, which is all about making things known. Seems like Jesus knew that until he accomplished everything he set to do, he had to keep things under wraps. I am a little more at peace tonight as I cough and sneeze that someday it won't happen anymore. And it's okay if it seems like God has forgotten about me. I know that He hasn't because Jesus healed everyone He saw.

Beth said...

Woke up very anxious/angry today from a disturbing dream, which fed my lingering anger at my son. So thankful God is always willing to meet me where I am. He's constantly reminding me of my utter dependence on Him. I'm working through 1 Samuel (in David's story now) and Hebrews. Heb.10:35-39 was the encouragement I needed to hear - especially v.39: "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved."