April 27 - May 3


Tim Suttle said...

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about being absent the past week and a half - I hit a really rough patch where I totally slacked off praying the hours. I'm not sure why it happened but I thought it important to share with you guys. My energy level has been really low and I've lacked motivation to keep up my disciplines.

Seasons like that are wierd for me because I know there exists some level of expectation that I'll be consistent in my prayer life - which is as it should be. But it seems only natural that there will be weeks where I'm just not feeling it. In those times I realize the greatest problem is isolation - but this is generally an issue for most pastors. I should probably talk about trying to push through those seasons or whatever...but the truth is that sometimes I'm just not that faithful and there's no real reason why - besides the obvious brokenness of being human.

I'm re-engaging, though, and feel at least enough energy to push through for today.

Yesterday I did the visio divina which was nice. This morning I just forced myself to do the hours and it ended up being great. I felt at home in that moment and now can't figure out why I let it slide. I'm going to re-program my iphone to remind me of the hours (it crashed a week and a half ago - maybe that's the reason!!) and get on with the praying! Here's what I'm committed to doing per my rule of life:

Morning Office: 8:00 (or whenever I get into the office)
Midday Office: 11:15 (pre-lunch)
Vespers: 4:25 (or whenever I'm about to leave work to go exercise)
Compline: 10:00pm (or bedtime)



Beth said...


You need to ask Kristin about DSF Formula for the energy levels. It's been like night turning to day for me since I started taking them.

As for God time...I'm pushing slowly through 2 Kings and Matthew. Too many early morning interruptions this spring. Living for May 22nd...

We supposedly get the results for my mom's MRI tomorrow to determine if she has Alzheimer's. Praying she doesn't, but there is definitely something serious going on there.

Tim Suttle said...

I prayed the hours this morning & am thankful to have spent time in solitude and prayer to start my day. 1 John is amazing, btw.

Kerrie said...

Yikes, I've been totally slacking too. I really blame my health for just being so lethargic. I just keep talking to God about being a slacker and I keep hearing back....I'm here for you, I'm not the one who has left. I need to get healthy and back in to my prayer groove.