November 17 - November 23


Tim Suttle said...

Hey Friends,

I did the BCP hours yesterday morning and this morning. The Collect for this morning's office was really great for me right now:

"Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

Kerrie said...

Read Isaiah 12, it is so beautiful.

Tim Suttle said...

Isaiah is surely beautiful.

I did the BCP hours this morning. Hopeful to pray all 4 today.


Kristen said...


I am going to try and pray the hours today, so far so good. I also did my devo.

Beth said...

Hey All,

I'm still reading through...I'm in Deuteronomy in the OT and Romans in the New. Enjoying both. I can't get over how many times and in how many ways God - through Moses - implores the Isrealites to follow His commands, obey, not forget Him, etc....and yet they so easily do. What was missing for them? Did they recognize the love of God or did they see Him as a dictator/disciplinarian? Did they miss the preciousness of a personal Savior and best friend? It makes me thankful all the more for Jesus. For me it makes it easier to want to live for Him, knowing He gave everything for me.

Unknown said...

okay, so my 6:00 am quiet time has been a bit lax lately! Today I read about how we are all God's servants--but it was a good read for me. It talked about being obedient to God and submitting to Him. As I read I wondered when I have FULLY done that? How many times have I worked my own agenda in the big plan? The one thing that really stuck out at me was that God will always throw out something that is a bit harder than we can manage so that we are called upon the Holy Spirit to intervene and to help. Still not grasping the Holy Spirit 100 percent but it is making a lot more sense. However, again, I wondered...when have I done something just a little harder than my comfort zone? I couldn't think of anything. So, I am praying that God will show me the right direction and use me the way that He sees fit. I am going to pray that I HEAR what He is telling me as well. I have been feeling so many pulls and tugs in every direction that I haven't been listening very well.

Kristen said...

I didn't quite succeed yesterday with the hours yesterday but am trying again today. I missed the morning prayer but just finished the midday office.

I think I am trying to get sick which is a complete bummer on multiple levels.

Kerrie said...

I have been sick with stomach stuff all week, which has left me blah feeling. I have done nothing and have ignored my reading (and everything else in my life). I am finally feeling better today. Pray for me to get back on track, in all areas