February 9 - February 15


Tim Suttle said...

I did the BCP morning office today. Last week I really struggled with the hours. I did the morning office daily, but my timing was off with the other prayers. It seemed like every time the bells went off - I was in the middle of something. I need to have the courage/discipline to excuse myself and go pray for a minute. It's not like anyone will realy care...

Scott Savage said...

I read a bunch of Psalms today. I am really trying to order my day (days) around prayer instead of trying to "fit it in," ya know?

Unknown said...

Okay, so I did my QT Time today. I am way behind in my study so I finished the first day of the study of David. (which took almost three days to complete, I am embarrassed to say!) I am excited to see what God has to teach me through David's life.

Tim Suttle said...

I did the BCP hours this morning. I actually got 3 of the hours in yesterday. That's good for me!

Beth said...

Woke up very anxious/angry today from a disturbing dream, which fed my lingering anger at my son. So thankful God is always willing to meet me where I am. He's constantly reminding me of my utter dependence on Him. I'm working through 1 Samuel (in David's story now) and Hebrews. Heb.10:35-39 was the encouragement I needed to hear - especially v.39: "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved."

Chaim said...

-I'm about a 100 pages into Surprised by Hope. Chapter 6 is blowing my mind. I feel like I need to process some of it before I can talk about it.
-I’m really stressed about money. We’re way tighter than we’ve ever been. I can honestly say if Jess weren’t doing the budget we probably would not have tithed this month. She’s typically been better with that.
-Every Tuesday I get up early so I can go to Starbucks and read for an hour or two. I go to the one on 75th & Quivira because I have a hook up there and can get a free drink when my friend Colin is working. So, as usual, this morning I got up at 6:15 and went to Starbucks only to find that Colin was not working and that I would not be receiving my much coveted Grande 2 pump white mocha. I sat, I read, I waited thinking that maybe he doesn’t come it till 8am. Maybe 8:30? Considering our current financial state I could not justify purchasing my drink. So after sitting there for an hour and a half I knew that I needed to leave, and if I didn’t leave I would soon succumb to the power of the white mocha and spend $4.16 when I have no business spending $4.16 on a 16ounce cup of glorious espresso, milk and syrup. I got in my car and was heading south toward the office when the thought stuck me that I know the general manager at Scooters on Woodland & K10. “Maybe she will give me my fix,” I actually said out loud as I headed to the store while recalibrating my taste buds to receive a Scooters white mocha, which is quite different from my drink of choice. I walked in hoping with great hope that I would see someone behind the counter that I knew. I did not. $3.24 for a small white mocha. It was good.
-do I have an addiction?

Tim Suttle said...

Chaim, great post...I'm going to pray for your finances - and your addiction.

I did the bcp hours just now. the OT reading was Jacob swindling Isaac out of Esau's birthright. I don't know why I love that story but I do. I love that God blesses the scoundrel because I feel like a scoundrel sometimes.

Kristen said...

I have been doing the study of David, along with Sara and the rest of our women's group. It's been really good but finding the time to get it done is stressful and guilt ridden. It's amazing how much trust and devotion that David had for God. I could only wish to obtain a fraction of that.

My best spiritual time and what I look forward to the most is reading Irresistible Revolution with Ken before bed and then we talk about it for way too long and end up going to bed entirely too late. He has really be challenging me on some things that he has been processing since being back from Detroit (I won't tell him that though =0) ) It's been great. Tyler challenged his guys group to pray with their wives at least 10 times before they meet again, it was a great challenge for them and for the wives.

Mandy said...

I am still reading in John, praying the hours has been really sketchy this week, I am not exactly sure why, it just hasn’t worked this week. [good point about "fitting it in" Scott]

Chaim- I am reading the Wright book too! I wish I could talk to you (or someone who is reading it), about it. Don’t be jealous, but I am going to try to attend the cathedral where he is Bishop!

Scott Savage said...

Psalms 62 and 70 have been on my mind. Notably, "my soul waits in silence for God only" for Psalm 62 and really the whole Psalm 70 because it's so short. But the urgency of the writer for God to come ... that sounds about right.

Chaim, next time you need a fix, drive over the Blackdog coffee on 87th. $1.00 smalls coffees, unlimited refills. You don't even have to stand in line. Give me a call, I'll meet you over there.

Mandy, I am jealous! Although I did accidentally see him at an Anglican cathedral in DC once. He was promoting/speaking on Simply Christian. How are you enjoying Surprised by Hope?

Chaim said...

Just busy today. I'm hoping to get some reading in this evening. I'm really going to try to get back in the habit of doing the Jesus Prayer daily.

-Tim, thank you for your prayers. We just found out that we're getting a huge tax return.

-Mandy, Okay not fair that you get to see him preach. We do need to talk about the book. How far into it are you?

-Scott, done

Beth said...

Continued in David's story in 1 Samuel and read through James this morning. So much in-your-face stuff. James was beyond passionate about people living out what they profess to believe! You can feel his intensity when you read his words! Convicting and encouraging...

- Chaim, Go God! And I want to read that book!

Kerrie said...

Wow, I got on here to right down my thoughts and I looked at the "word verification" section...the word for me to type in is satian....which looks a lot to me like Satan. Which is timely because I have struggled this week to stay on track. I came to the blog to be inspired by all of you. Thank you for your posts...it helps