March 23 - March 29


Tim Suttle said...

I did the BCP hours this morning and I'm going to try to get all 4 offices today. This is going to be a busy week, so I want to be fully committed to a rhythm of daily prayer.



Kerrie said...

Started the lectionary, haven't finished it yet for today!

Scott Savage said...

I've had a difficult time praying lately.

Tim Suttle said...

I did 2 of the four offices yesterday - so much for doing all 4 of them!

This morning I did the morning prayer service and read the lectionary. The reflection today is on Jonathan Edwards, and it was really inspiring. It changed the way I think about Edwards.

Tim Suttle said...

I still only did 2 of the offices yesterday. For some reason - I keep being thwarted! But I did the morning office just now and I'm hopeful that today maybe I'll be a little more disciplined. I think part of the problem is that my observance of the office feels a bit distracted. I'm always writing down other thoughts and tasks while I'm doing the office.

Mandy said...

I was reading in Mark about Jesus raising that guys daughter from the dead. (the synagogue leader), I was thinking about how he tells the father “don’t be afraid, just believe” and then upon arriving at the house he kinda calls-out the people outside who are wailing and causing a commotion. I was just thinking about how I relate much more to the people outside hollering and carrying on, than I do the father who (apparently), “just believes”

It seems that the “it” factor with God is faith. How can I get some more of that??

Scott Savage said...

One line from this mornings scripture stuck out. Jeremiah 22:15, "Are you a King because you compete in cedar?" This made me think about that nature of competition in our capitalistic/consumerist culture. And it links with what Isaac was saying on Sunday about his friend who gave up a job at AT&T to work for The Hope Center.

I have also be thinking about something Joel Green said. "Day-to-day activities induce changes in the morphology of the brain." I really need these daily times of prayer. If I'm not being formed by God, I most certainly am being formed by something else, even if I don't know what it is.