September 13 - September 19


Tim Suttle said...

Did the early morning prayers when I awoke, then the BCP morning office when I got in to work.

I'm struggling with those in our church who are on the edge of leaving or already gone... makes me sad and sometimes angry. Pray for me.

Unknown said...

Lately, I have felt God pushing me to reach out to a few family members who know nothing about the love of Christ. I am fighting it with all my might because it is going to be a scary thing to be the "jesus freak" of the family. I am praying that God will put the right words on my heart and open up some good dialogue with these people. Please pray that these conversations will come naturally and that they will be well received.

Tim, I feel your same thoughts and feelings. I often times start to go into judgment. I am praying that God strips me of that as well.

Tim Suttle said...

I did my early morning prayers and then the BCP morning office just now. It's going to be a busy day & I am looking forward to what God will do in my heart today.

Yesterday I was realizing that God doesn't speak to me in English. It's not German or something... it's not usually linguistic at all, it's visceral. I feel a deep stirring right now, a visceral movement. I can't talk about it because it doesn't come in words yet. I'm sharing this because it's a feeling of great hope and trust in the Lord. I am grateful for God's presence and for the conviction that God is working in my life. I pray that each of you will be feeling this today.


Unknown said...

Yesterday, I was inspired by the fact that Kristen has worked out 30 days out of 35. I forced myself to change my early morning routine to include working out first, and then having my quiet time. (which is possible now b/c I only have Stella in the am!). I am sore and my knees ache but I am going to persevere! So, that lead me to my one thing that I am going to do this week (which is not anything huge, Tim)..I am going to start taking the glucosomine that has been in my closet for a year. That, and add more natural foods to my diet.

Also, I feel the need to apologize/confess something...yesterday I made fun of my husband and compared him to another interesting individual. I feel very wrong about that. I love Aaron and I think he is an amazing man in so many ways. I hate that I poked fun of him to you all. Forgive me of that.

Tim Suttle said...

I did early morning prayers when I woke up this morning. I was having trouble focusing during that prayer time, but trudged on. Does that happen to you guys? I felt like the dogs in the movie "Up"... "Squirrel!"

Anyway, I had a meeting this morning that went about like I expected. But I did the BCP hours and am ready to face my day & try to figure out what God wants me to say to our community this week. Pray that God will be working in my heart as I write.

Peace to you friends!!


Unknown said...

Tim, yes...I get that same thing. Alot of times when I am reading my Bible, random people pop up in my head and then I go email them...anyway, I get what you mean!

I am sucking at my weekly challenge. I have yet to take my glucosamine! I have been working out, although I didn't today (yet).

I am getting ready to jump into my Bible but I have no plans as to what I am reading this morning.

Tim Suttle said...

I did my early morning liturgy when I woke up & just finished the BCP morning office.

I'm getting more and more excited about the prospects of buying this building. Please be praying for Roy and for his leaders to approve our proposal, and for God to clear the way for us.


Unknown said...

I was reading this morning in Habakkuk (I have no idea how I got here!) Anyway, the Bible I was using has a commentary along side of it. I read the first 2 chapters. I liked what I read then, I read the commentary. It was talking about verse 2:4 The righteous man lives by his faith alone. The commentary went on to say that we live through the grace of God, not works. I get this, I do. BUT as Christians, the works part is essential, is it not. If I wanted to be a lazy Christian, I could use this verse to say that spending time with God and believing is enough. But, it is not. We have to first have faith and then have action to illustrate that faith. It did go on to say that we needed to change our life but that statement just kind of bugged me. I think they go hand in hand.

On another note: I am changing two things this week and they are both going to be VERY hard. First, I am giving up all red meat. Second, I am going to try and work at proactive listening (which is WAY hard for me cuz I process everything out loud). I guess that means I will be joining those of you in terms of reactionary statements. I am going to try and ask two questions and not respond right away. Wish me luck!

jebat said...